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How to Download YouTube Videos in Microsoft Edge Browser in Windows 10 Phone, PC

by Fahad Saleem

Downloading YouTube videos on your computer and phone is something all of us do or want to do almost daily because there are amazing motivational, song and fund videos on YouTube which we  are worth saving permanently and play them again and again. You can download YouTube  video in Microsoft Edge browser easily. Microsoft Edge browser is for Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile and Xbox One. It is far better than Internet Explorer.

Downloading YouTube Videos Using Tampermonkey Extension

Tampermonkey is a great Microsoft Edge browser extension using which you can download YouTube videos. This extension allows you do add scripts which places a download button on YouTube video when you play it. Tampermonkey is perhaps the best free way to download YouTube video in Windows 10 phone or laptop on Edge browser.

Open Microsoft Edge browser and go to settings by clicking on the three dots button as shown in the image below.

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Now go to extensions and click on Get extensions from the Store. You will see Windows store on the screen. Now in the search bar, type the app name “Tampermonkey”. Now click on the install button and the store will install the extension. Now go to Extension panel of the Edge browser and Tampermonkey will ask you to turn on extensions. You should allow them.

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Now to add the Tampermonkey extension button next to the address bar, click on “more” and “extensions” and then go to Tampermonkey extensions and then go to Tampermonkey settings. Turn on “Show button next to the address bar“.

Now you will see the Tampermoneky icon next to the address bar. Click on the icon.

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Now we will have to add a script to download YouTube video in Microsoft Edge browser. Click on Find new scripts option. A new tab will open up with few sources of the script. Click on GreasyFork. It will open in a new tab. On the search box of GreasyFork, type YouTube download and press Enter. You will see a list of scripts. Select a script with which you are satisfied. For example, you can click on  YouTube Best Video Downloader 2. Now click on Install this script button and proceed.

Now open any YouTube video and you will see the download option. Click on it and you will see a drop down in which you will be presented with options to select a format in which you want the video to be downloaded.


Images taken from: howto-connect

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Ashutosh Rajput January 16, 2017 - 8:41 am

Let me Try….Thanks for information…..

Carolyn Eula April 11, 2017 - 4:40 am

Awesome! Everything works smoothly. However this way not for HD YouTube videos. For somesone who want to download 4k or 1080p videos, I’d recommend Acethinker Video Downloader, It is a cloud based software to download YouTube videos, free and easy to use.

Mary Soto August 22, 2017 - 4:10 am

Valuable information. Thanks for the sharing. I’d also recommend Acethinker Video Downloader which I have used for many years. It’s free and compatible with Microsoft edge browser.

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