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PEI 2nd ScienceAfrica UnConference Series Returning To London on November 18th

by Milicent Atieno

PEI 2nd ScienceAfrica UnConference Series Returning To London on November 18th

Planet Earth Institute will be holding the next UnConference Series in London, UK on November 18th. This event will bring together hundreds of people working on science, technology and innovation in Africa. The day will be all about interaction and open discussion, free for all working on or passionate about Africa’s continued growth.

The 2014’s UnConference Series will feature a morning session of panel debates and workshops, with organizations at the heart of the African science and technology agenda. The afternoon session will feature the launch of the new Africa Data Challenge, where participants will pitch for project seed funding for their project ideas related to the emerging data revolution.

As a charity passionate about African science and technology, PEI is always trying to find new ways of linking cutting edge scientific debates and issues to the continent’s academics and innovators. Much has been talked about the Data revolution and of Big Data versus Open Data, but at the moment the practical improvements to scientific development in Africa aren’t so widely felt.

So PEI is inviting you to be part of the Africa Data Challenge, and pitch your ideas for projects that can help translate and transmit this agenda to those on the continent. It could be a local student training programme, a workshop series for policy-makers or helping connect people online who could benefit from better understanding about making the most of data.

It could be a new pilot app or platform, a university-wide campaign or mentoring of a small number of African students. It is all up to you. Initial ideas are invited on a broad spectrum of themes and areas, as long as they will be:

  1. Delivered in the next 12 months for a budget of less than £5,000.
  2. Designed to have a human impact (whether students, academics, civil society, government or other).
  3. Pitched with the support of an academic institution or related organizations in Africa.
  4. Proposed with a clear understanding of data privacy, access and availability in Africa.
  5. Developed to include dissemination or findings and conclusions.

Interested parties are invited to send brief proposals to by 1st October, 2014. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to pitch their ideas in a 10-15 minute slot at the PEI UnConference on November 18th, 2014 in London and deliver the project with support of PEI and our partners throughout.

For more information about the UnConference follow this link.

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