There is a considerable number of people who use the internet without realizing they are using it.
It appears, traditionally accessing the internet to a section of the society means visiting web pages of a website. However, with smartphones, we consume some digital content on an app natively installed on our devices. There is where the unconscious usages come in.
According to research done by Pew Research Center, there is a considerable number of people who access the internet while not thinking they’re on the internet. The research was conducted in South Africa, Kenya, and other countries outside of Africa.
The report shows 10% of South African use the app WhatsApp without consciously acknowledging that they are on the internet, while 6% of Kenyans access the Facebook app the same way.
“What is the internet? And who is an internet user? The questions may seem straightforward, but more than a decade of research in the United States and abroad suggests that some people who use the internet may not be aware that they’re doing so,” writes Laura Silver and Aaron for the Pew Research Center.
For some people accessing a mobile app is not the same thing as accessing the internet. To them, internet access means opening web pages.