Here are the 27 Finalists for 2016 HiiL Innovating Justice Challenge

HiiL Innovating Justice Challenge 2016 has unveiled the 27 startups that have managed to make it to the semifinals stage of the competition. HiiL is a pioneer and one of the leading organizations trying to build and scale up developments in the justice ecosystems.

The Innovating Justice Challenge seeks to reward innovative justice entrepreneurs with scalable and problem-solving products. In this list of 27 finalists are entrepreneurs that garnered votes over the voting period. Some were selected by HiiL and a panel of local entrepreneurship experts.

The 27 semifinalists will pitch at the HiiL Boostcamps in their respective countries. These boostcamps are in Lagos, Nairobi, Tunis, Johannesburg, and Kampala.

List of the 27 Finalists arranged according to Regions



Lawyers 4 Farmers: Promoting Farmer Entrepreneurship



Mobile Legal Aid


Uwakili: Legal Made Easy

KnownAfrique Law App

Delivering Justice to Women in Tanzania’s Informal Sector

FarmingBay – Reducing risks involved in contract farming and international trade of farm products

Slumfighters International


Empowering Families to Access Justice Project (EFAJ-P)

West Africa

Insurance Manager App


Just Land

AnthonyRhodes: A B2B platform; Adding Values to Families and Businesses*

New Voices Sustain Community-Based Paralegal and Village Mediators

Moh Ni Bah (Platform for registration of rural births via mobile and SMS)

Southern Africa

The Citizen Justice Network

Origin Systems

Business M+

Legal Legends

Human Rights Watch Mobile Application

Northern Africa

Inheritance Division Platform

Emergency Wearable

Out of the above 27 semifinalists, HiiL Justice Accelerator will select just 10 startups best out of the bunch that will proceed to the final round of the challenge. This selection will happen sometime in October, and the 10 will travel to Hague to pitch their product in December.

An international jury will be awaiting the 10 at The Hague to pick just one overall winner who will walk home with both the Innovating Justice Award and a cash prize of €160,000.

HagueHiiLHiiL Innovating JusticeSautiSouth Africa