Adventures in Social Media: Incorporating Facebook

Adventures in Social Media: Incorporating Facebook

Chances are you are already using Facebook. And if you’re like most people, you share personal links, thoughts on politics and religion, and post pictures and funny anecdotes with family and friends that you won’t necessarily share with your customers or clients.

If you’re a business or brand, Facebook is a highly effective business tool that’s great for marketing your products, connecting with your clients and even landing gigs. So it’s important to have a separate account to promote your business and keep your personal account private.

The great news is that Facebook has made it easy to setup a business account and capture new clients. The bad news is that after you setup the account, it’s hard to get a grasp of how to use it or how you can benefit from it. As a result, many people walk away wasting their time, resources and money.

Here are 25 ways to use Facebook in your business or brand.

1. Understand the pros and cons of a business account. Facebook is a great tool for a business but it’s not essential for every business. Research the pros and cons thoroughly before you undertake this project.

2. Identify your target audience. Understand how they are engaging online and what they “like.”

3. Create your business account – make sure to fill out your profile completely to earn trust.

4. Incorporate your branding to adequately reflect the look and feel of your website and brand.

5. Incorporate the right keywords in your profile so that new and exciting customers can find your page.

6. Use the “Check in” feature if your business has a physical location. This will allow your customers to “check-in” with their mobile devices and show up on their feeds.

7. Understand and adhere to the Facebook rules regarding business accounts.

8. Post a professional picture of your business or yourself.

9. Create a vanity URL so that people can find you easily

10. Add your Facebook URL to everything! You’re email signature, business cards, postcards, etc!

11. Upload your contacts from your email client. Your clients today will most likely become your first “fans.”

12. Share useful and exciting information.

13. Interact with your customers. Leave comments. Answer questions. Be present! People like knowing that your business is listening to them and cares.

14. Use different social media tools like Twitter to cross market your Facebook posts.

15. Use the Find Friends to expand your network

16. Create Facebook events and invite users

17. Create Facebook contests to expand interaction and increase your network

18. Buy Facebook ads to find your target audience

19. Join groups and networks related to your business and interact.

20. Use Facebook Insights! This is a great tool in helping you understand how your fans interact one your page and monitor your success.

21. Manage your time. Fully incorporating Facebook into your marketing strategy takes time and effort, set aside some time to dedicate.

22. Promote your business with Facebook widgets, buttons and links on your webpage.

23. Start a Facebook campaign

24. Look up Success Stories to gain insight and helpful tips

25. Get help. If you’ve hit a marketing road block, there are tons of helpful information out there on the web to help your page succeed.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below. Follow Shirley on Twitter @OhShirl.

businessFacebookSocial Media