African Women in Tech Recap | #AWITKenya2017

The African Women in Tech (AWIT) conference is currently ongoing at the Michael Joseph Center (Safaricom House) in Nairobi Kenya. This is the second time AWIT is being hosted in Nairobi after the June 29 – 30, 2016 conference at the Business and Students Services Center at the Kenyatta University.

In attendance at the conference yesterday were women from different backgrounds (the techies and non-techies) brought together to interact, network, pitch their ideas to possible investors and above all have some fun.

While the main focus for the event has always been about sparking an interest in STEM in young girls by putting them in the same room with seasoned and professional ladies in STEM. The conference also provides the ladies a platform to network and develop their soft skills.

Below is a recap of the June 29th AWITKenya Conference in tweets.

AWITAWIT KenyaKenyanairobiSafaricom