Agent App: Personal Assistant & Battery Saver

Agent App: Personal Assistant & Battery Saver

There’s no doubt that smartphones has helped improve our lifestyle and our productivity like never before. Although we love technology, we strongly dislike the fact that our battery life on smartphones typically last less than 3 hours. We are constantly closing apps just to save the “battery juice”. The worst is when you have to manually switch your phone to silent mode because you’re in a meeting or you’re just trying to sleep.

Well cheer up Android users because we found an amazing app which lets you perform no less than five mainstream tasks automatically which we do manually on a daily basis.

The app is called “Agent” and it’s your perfect agent to keep all your tasks automated. You can just tap a single button, and it will switch its battery mode. You can easily automate your phone to switch its mode based on the location. For example you can configure it to turn off Wi-Fi as soon as you reach work in the morning or you can set it to silence during a meeting. You don’t manually have to perform these mundane tasks.

Agent is like having a personal assistant. It’s so sophisticated and intuitive, that when you’re driving, it measures your car’s speed and as soon as you cross 25 miles/hour, it switches to driving mode. While driving, any message or call will automatically be announced plus Agent will send the caller an auto reply message that says, “Fahad is driving, he will get back to you shortly”. Messages can be customized.

Agent has a parking assistant as well. Parking Agent remembers where you parked. It uses activity detection and/or a Bluetooth connection to determine when you’re driving, pinpoints where you park on a map inside the app, links to your designated map to direct you to your vehicle and even remembers your last five parking spot.

If your battery is drained below 15%, it will turn the screen brightness to dim, stop any app update process at the back end and hence, save your battery without even inputting anything from your side. Agent is a great app and it has over 200,000 monthly users. Agent can be downloaded from Google Play for free and requires Android 4.0 ICS or later to work.

 Download Agent

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