Google is set to release an update to its Android 7 Nougat by early December. The Android 7.1.1 is set to roll out on December 6th if the report by Vodafone Australia is anything to go by.
The telecom posted an alert to its subscribers with the Nexus 6P (Huawei) handset to prepare to update their smartphone with the latest Android OS update. I suppose that apply to virtually Nexus 6P owners around the globe, subject to the Android 7.1.1 update availability in your region. While that means their phone will be eligible for the upgrade, but with Google’s history, you expect the update to roll out in waves.
The first wave rolling out the update with the 1st to 3rd day to a number of random handsets, say 10,000. Users will get notification of the update via FOTA Push Message, or you can even manually check by going to the Settings menu.
Between the 4th – 13th day, after another wave will roll out to an additional 10% of the devices, but users will have to check and activate the update manually. From the 14th day going forward, all Nexus 6P smartphones will become eligible for the upgrade.
For you, the early adopter impatient to wait in line, you can skip the line by keeping on checking for the update. The Android 7.1.1 is packaged together with the security patch that will roll out this Dec. 5th 2016. It will be about 650MB in size, so it’s advisable you be connected to unmetered Wi-Fi network or make the necessary arrangement to download that big a file to your phone.