Apple marks #WorldAIDSDay by giving Logos across its Store the RED color

Today, December 1st, marks the annual World AIDS Day. A celebration held to create awareness on the fight against HIV/AIDS and remove stigma on the persons affected or infected with the virus. In Kenya, as well as many parts of the world, the topic has been among the top trends all day long.

The Cupertino company has marked the day by giving its Apple Logo across its store the color Red. In addition to publishing a pair of stories on the App Store highlighting its effort in the fight against AIDS, and how fans of the company’s devices can help fight the disease.

Apple Stores in Japan, Australia, USA, and UK among others have changed the normal color of the logo to red to mark the day. The company’s CEO, Tim Cook, took to Twitter saying, “together, we can achieve and AIDS-free generation.”

The two stories the company published in its stores, one goes by the title “Choose (RED). Give Life.” Here, Apple is calling on its customers to buy its products, and part of the money will be put into the fight against AIDS and save a life. Apparently, Apple has placed over 20 (RED) products this year including iPhone cases, and Apple Watch bands among others.

The post reads in part as follows:

Buy a product. Save a life. It’s been a founding principle of (RED) since the nonprofit was formed in 2006. And it’s why Apple’s partnership with (RED) continues to be so powerful.

Over the past 12 years, your support of our partnership has raised more than $200 million globally for (RED) to fund programs that treat HIV/AIDS. This year, we have more than 20 (RED) products – from the iPhone and Beats headphones to Apple Watch bands and cases.”

The second publication by Apple on its Store goes further to say:

Treatment for HIV exists, and it’s proven to be effective. One of (RED)’s earlier campaigns highlighted what has been referred to as the Lazarus effect: Two pills a day taken over the course of two months can bring severely ill HIV patient back to health. In sub-Saharan Africa, this lifesaving medication now costs 20 cents per day.”

If you use Apple devices and visit the App Store today, you should have been able to read the above-mentioned two stories. If you didn’t or you’re not using an Apple device, then you can read the two stories here and here.

In Japan, Apple has overhauled its PRODUCT (RED) site to mark the World AIDS Day. And earlier in the week, Apple VP Greg Joswiak said that from December 1st through to December 7th, the company will be donating $1 to (RED) for each Apple Pay transaction made online, in retail stores, and in the Apple Store app.