Apple WWDC 2016: How To Watch, Predictions, Guesses, and Wishes

Ladies and gentlemen, or should I say Apple Fan girls and boys, today, is the D-Day for Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). You are spoilt for choice in term of how to watch the event unraveling live, as Apple, just like in the past, will stream the event live, but I’d recommend you to at to watch the event live.

The event will kick off at the following times across different parts of the world: in San Francisco 10 A.M, New York 1 P.M, London 6 P.M, Beijing (June 14) 1 A.M, Sydney (June 14) 3 A.M.

Nonetheless, we understand you might be at work, school, or just too busy to watch the event live. For that reason, Innov8tiv will try as much as possible to blog about the juiciest development at the WWDC event happening today in San Francisco, but the following are our predictions, guesses, and even wishes on the Apple WWDC 2016.

First thing first, we should expect most of the new things especially software related will be in beta. Remember this is a developer’s conference aka a conference for work-in-progress that are still in the oven and haven’t been fully baked yet. So instead of cutting edge technology, we expect bleeding edge technology; software that will probably break down often and not well tweaked to work with your Apple devices.

Ø iOS 10 and a new macOS (not Mac OS X)

We’re expecting beta versions of iOS 10 the next generation operating system for Apple’s mobile devices (iPhones and iPads). On the desktop space, we’re expecting a new MacOS, though rumors have it, it is going to be updates and nothing massive yet.

As far as iOS release goes, users wish for a more customizable iOS 10; where you can hide the stock apps that you hardly ever use, and in their place put up your other favorite apps on the pull-up launcher.

If you’re puzzled about the name MacOS for Apple’s desktop devices, just think about it. We already got tvOS, watchOS, and iOS. Isn’t it about time we got a contraction of the Mac OS X name to just macOS?

However, the important thing is not the name but the features we’re expecting from the new macOS; rumors are doing round that it will support some iOS apps. Think about it, won’t you love to run your iPhone apps on your bigger screened and easy to use MacBook laptop? That sounds more like something on a wish list, but time will tell.

We also expect Apple Pay to come to iMessage. There are rumors of iMessage rolling out to Android device. If so, iMessage for Android will not support Apple Pay as the service uses a dedicated NFC chip, and I don’t see Apple convincing Android OEMs to fit such a specialized Apple-approved NFC chips in their Android devices.

Ø Siri is coming to desktop

One thing is for certain; the Siri topic will likely dominate the WWDC 2016 event. What we’re not sure is if Siri will indeed be made available on MacBook and Mac computers as rumors seem to suggest. There is also word of the Siri API being opened to developers; something that has been awaited for a very long time.

Ø Hardware

Nope, no, no, nada! This is a developers’ conference, which means the only focus is on software developments. We don’t expect hardware at a software-focus event, but there could be an exception for the Siri home device that is being rumored will be announced alongside the Siri API. Now that we on that, evidence point that the Apple TV could be the Siri home device.

Ø Apple Music

The Apple Music app is fine, but fine is just not good enough, so we expect some tweaks for better user experience.

Ø Wishlist

Now that we’re expecting for the contraction of the name Mac OS X to just macOS, users wish for an improvement for the Mac App Store. With the new macOS, there ought to be a complimentary Mac App Store treated like a portal for desktop apps sales and distribution than a clone for the mobile app store.

Don’t forget the above are just our informed predictions, guesses, and wishes for the WWDC 2016. However, there is no doubt that early adopter Apple fans will be itching to try out the beta software set to be launched this week. Try to contain yourselves and practice some restraint unless you’re installing the beta software on an Apple device you’re not heavily dependent on.