As if Huawei didn’t have enough problems already, they’re now serving Ads on phone lock screens

As consumers, we have come to learn to live with advertisements being served to us from the top, bottom, and middle. However, there are some lefts, rights, and centers that ought to give our eyes and ears sanctuary from these ads. Your expensive smartphone lock screen should be one place you never have to see an Ad.

But guess what? Huawei has started serving ads on the lock screen of some of its devices. No doubt this is annoying as hell for users. And already people are taking to social media to call out the Chinese company on this very (very, very) bad behavior.

As if Huawei needs more bad press…

The company was just recently nuked by the U.S. by being kicked out of the Google Play Store, and the general Google proprietary ecosystem. If anything, the company should be working to win hearts over, and you can’t do that by irritating people with ads on their phone’s lock screens.

Users of Huawei P30 Pro, P20, P20 Lite, P20 Pro, and Honor 10 are complaining on social media of being bombarded by ads on right on their lock screens. It appears that the Huawei model phones that are affected are the ones that come preinstalled with landscape background wallpapers.

Users complaining of these ads come from around the world. The Huawei lock screen ads seem not limited to a specific region or country.

How to get rid of the Lock Screen Ads…

If you want to get rid of the ads, all you have to do is to not use the built-in magazine background wallpapers. Do that, and the ads will be gone. But it still doesn’t make sense why Huawei would want to antagonize its customers, especially given the precarious position the company is presently in.

Digital AdvertisingHuawei