The Concept of Wearable Technology I always find it interesting when someone executes a concept that was…
Kimberly Thomas
Kimberly Thomas
Kimberly Thomas is a Jamaican born native who currently resides in New York City. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Business from The Pennsylvania State University and her Master’s degree from The King Graduate School at Monroe College in Management and Marketing. She is the Marketing Coordinator for the non-profit organization Shades of Lupus Inc. She loves to travel and explore the beauty of the world with friends and loved ones.
Using your Resources to be a well-prepared Traveler I am addicted to traveling and finding any reason…
Dating in this Day and Age through Social Media Spring is almost here and love is in…
Pinterest takes Amateur Cooking to a Next Level As an amateur chef, I always try to find…
InstagramSocial Media
How influential is Social Media for Wardrobe Advice, Inspiration and the Latest Trends?
How influential is Social Media for Wardrobe Advice, Inspiration and the Latest Trends? Technology is definitely a…
Mobile Apps for a Healthy Lifestyle At some point, we have all considered the different ways to…
In this day and age, four year old children are now using Ipads, Iphones, tablets etc to…