AYO Technology Solutions has been listed under the Software and Computer Services category of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) main board. That makes AYO Technology Solutions the first 21st-century company to list on the JSE in 2017.
“The fourth industrial revolution is gathering pace and creating new opportunities for companies able to harness the power of technology to gather and share data in new ways,” said Donna Nemer; Capital Markets at JSE, who also expressed the JSE enthusiasm with providing the go-to platform for AYO Technology to raise their capital.
“These opportunities do not represent potential growth in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, but throughout the economy. Innovation in the ICT sector can continue to make enormous contributions to the growth of other industries.”
About AYO Technology Solutions
The company can be described as a broad-based black economic empowerment ICT group focusing on multiple end-to-end solutions for a host of industries. Some of their products and services include big data analysis, business process management, data security, internet of things solutions, software development and cloud services.
“It is an exciting time for technology and for AYO in particular as we have the opportunity to forge a new path for South African technology companies into Africa and beyond,” said the enthusiast Kevin Hardy, a newly appointed CEO of AYO Technology.
“With AYO Technology, we have built a very clear proposition that, while servicing the needs of people today, has the proven ability to innovate and deliver on what the future will determine.”
Hardy also shared the company’s intentions of partnering with its clients to transform their business models and position themselves for success in this digital economy. By getting listed on the JSE, AYO Technology becomes the 12th Software and Computer Service company to be listed on that list.
It is said the sector as a combined market capitalization of R28 billion, making up just 0.2% of JSE total market capitalization of R15.3 trillion.