Badger 7 Allows Viewing and Managing iOS 7 Notifications Right Off App Icons

Badger 7 Allows Viewing and Managing iOS 7 Notifications Right Off App Icons

There is great news for customers using Apple iPhones and are irritated with the native settings of notifications. A wonderful app called Badger  has been launched to make notifications look more aesthetically pleasing than ever in the past. Badger allows associating activation gesture with the notifications. It allows you to view push notifications from any app without even running it. This great tweak fetches the notifications from the native notifications center for iOS. The game is not limited to viewing the notifications only. It also allows taking actions in simple and convenient way. For example, you could reply to a message with a quick dialog box for replying. You can easily dismiss the notifications conveniently. 

Although, users of iOS utilize plenty of interesting apps after jailbreaking their sets, they still need a simple app that would make their life easy with handling the notifications in systematic manner. Badger is the right choice for them. Earlier Badger was only available for the iOS 6 version. However, an updated version of Badger has been released that is compatible with iOS 7, called Badger 7. It has been overhauled in a much pleasing way as compared to its previous version. Its integration with the OS is smother and more balanced.

Badger employs interesting methods to display the notifications. It dims the background, and displays the notification on the clutter-free Springboard. As soon as you perform the Activation Gesture on iOS 7, swiping up on the App’s icon, you will see the desired notifications. Pulling left to any individual notification will bring a quick dialog box for taking appropriate action. Such an action will vary from app to app.

Badger doesn’t possess the Springboard of its own. The tweak adds a row to the native Settings App of iOS. You will see a variety of choices including the Activation Gesture and modifying the looks of the tweak. Some other very interesting controlling features are blur amount control, enabling pull to refresh, darkness control, notifications count badge as soon as the Badger is invoked.

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