Basecamp: Best ever project management App now available for Android

Project management is one of the most coveted and sought after position in any large or medium organization. Don’t get it confused, the job is one of the toughest and demanding out of all other fields because of the level of decision making. On the other hand, the job also requires strong leadership skills along with sound knowledge of technical systems and people skills that helps carry a project forward. In order to assist the project managers in their routine tasks, along with managing the schedule and maintain the timeline, Basecamp created an app. Basecamp is an amazing worldwide application that helps a project manager and project members keep track of their projects activities anywhere in the world. Basecamp has launched an app for Android recently, because of the popularity of the platform around the globe.

Currently there isn’t a signup option within the Basecamp Android app, so to use this app, you will need to register for the account on  Basecamp’s website. The android app is absolutely free, the actual Basecamp account on the web ranges from $20 to $150 per month based on the package and there is also a yearly grand package worth $3000 that lets the users access all the functionalities of the application as well as receive maximum support.

Using this application on any android phone is fairly simple. With Basecamp, you can access existing projects from the main account. Plus you can add comments and discuss various issues with the project team members, post new files and documents, or access the project’s progress as well. The navigation of the project is on the left side of the screen where you can view the project progress, schedule, profile and also access your files and folders.

In order to access the above mentioned features, you have to go in Explore Basecamp where you have to tap on the + sign to see all of these features. You can even create new tasks on the projects and add events by taping on ‘Make a to-do list’ or ‘Add an Event’ respectively.

The basic idea behind this app is to be able to assist in decision making on a project from anywhere in the world which is the most important aspect of a project manager’s job. By adding the Basecamp app, the project manager will literally have a virtual office where ever they go.

Download Basecamp


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