Best Apps To Compare Prices, Find Discounts, Deals for Shopping Online

Online shopping is an emerging phenomenon. According to eMarketer, more than $2 trillion worth of ecommerce transactions were done on online shopping websites in 2015. The numbers are expected to double in the coming year. If you are a frequent online shopper, you must know that deals, coupons, price comparisons, getting discounts could save you tons of money if you know how to use them. Every website brags about fixed prices and how they give you the best bang for your buck. But you will be surprised to know that they retain a massive margin. When you compare prices from different online stores like Amazon, Walmart, Alibaba, HomeShopping, you find out that the same product is priced very differently at all these websites. Many people spend hours comparing prices on eCommerce websites. This article tells you the best apps to compare prices eCommerce websites during shopping. Let these apps do the job.

BuyVia (Android, iOS)

BuyVia tracks and crawls the best shopping stores around the web and brings the price compassion in both text and pictorial form. You can set a product and the app will show you all the prices offered at different retailers. BuyVia has a geo-location feature which helps you sort the results based on your location.

ShopSavvy (Android, iOS)

ShopSavvy notifies you about all the deals offered by famous online and local retailers. You can also search price comparison charts for your required product. The app never lets go a single useful deal or price offer from the web.

NowDiscount (Android, iOS)

This app, as the name suggests, curates all the discount offers given my websites and online stores for a product. You can compare prices shopping both for offline and online retailers.

Purchx (Android, iOS)

Purchx has a native search engine having thousands and thousands of products with prices tagged from all the famous ecommerce stores. You can search any product and see the latest offered prices at famous retailers like Macy’s, Best Buy, Amazon, Walmart and more.

ScanLife (Android, iOS)

You are in a big store and a product gets your attention. You are on the verge of buying it but wait! What if this product is offered for less on other places? This thought teases everyone’s mind. This is where ScanLife comes in. Just take out your phone, scan the product QR or barcode using this app, and you will see all the offered prices from Amazon, Walmart, BestBuy and other retailers. If you find cheap prices, then order online and don’t forget to yell a bit at the store’s manager for selling the item at a higher price. I mean you have got the proof in your phone. Show it to him.

These are some of the best apps to compare prices, get deals and discounts while online shopping. Tell us how frequently you shop online and what are your tricks to save money and get discounts.

