Best Diet Plans to Lose Weight and Fat Fast

People are usually very careful about their diet plans. They always strive to look better and younger. Do you really want to lose weight? There is no one-diet-for-all plan. So, you have to find the diet that best suits your lifestyle. Before diving into the diet plans below, always keep one thing in mind: you have to be consistent for some months to hit your goal.

Best Diet Plans to Lose Weight and Fat Fast

Ketogenic Diet

The Ketogenic diet is the most popular diet worldwide. A high-fat, low-carb diet, which, along with losing weight improves your mental health too. When the carbohydrate intake is decreased, the body goes into a state known as ketosis. During ketosis, the body produces ketones in the liver, which can be used as energy. The more you avoid carbohydrates, the faster you will enter ketosis. Do not eat grains, sugar, fruits or tubers at any cost. You are allowed to eat meat, leafy greens, above ground vegetables, high-fat dairy, nuts and seeds, avocado and berries, sweeteners and good fats. Your nutrient intake should roughly have 70% fats, 25% proteins, and 5% carbohydrates.

Zone Diet

The Zone diet is considered beneficial for long-term weight loss. It helps you cut off the extra pounds along with improving your physical and mental performance. The Zone diet is a life-long plan formed on the basis of science. Basically, the zone is a state of the body in which you have enhanced your capability to control diet-induced inflammations. This diet simply calls for dividing your plate into the following portions: 2/3rd carbohydrates, 1/3rd proteins, and a few monounsaturated fats. If the Zone diet can get Jennifer Aniston in shape, it will definitely help you too.

Atkins Diet

A famous diet designed by a well-known cardiologist, Dr. Robert C. Atkins. It is a low-carb diet, which limits the intake of carbohydrates and sugar. It limits the carbohydrate intake resulting in the body burning fats for energy. The Atkins diet is a Ketogenic diet, but it is a better Ketogenic diet. In Atkins diet, you get more food choices and a better balance of nutrients. The Atkins diet is a four-phase plan: induction, balancing, fine-tuning and maintenance.

Low-Calorie Diet

A low-calorie diet is defined as consuming 800 to 1200 calories per day by replacing normal food with low-calorie ones. The benefit of limiting the calorie intake results in sudden weight loss. An average total weight loss from a low-calorie diet is around 44 pounds in 12 weeks, which results in improving your weight-related medical issues such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure or high sugar. At each full meal, try to have 1-3 ounces of whole grains, 1-3 ounces of proteins and a cup of vegetables. If you want the low-calorie diet to work efficiently, do avoid sweetened soft drinks, sugary sweets or alcohol.

Military Diet

The military diet is a three-day diet which lets you lose 10 pounds in a week. It was designed by US military to help soldiers get in shape fast. It doesn’t include any expensive food or supplements. The diet has a three-day diet plan followed by four days off and this weekly cycle can be repeated as much as you like. You have to follow a pre-set low-calorie plan for the three days.

And there are many delicious recipes in which you can enjoy without guilt. You may even want to try a plant-based diet to lose weight. Check out this vegan weight-loss meal plan


Best Diet Plans to Lose Weight and Fat Fastlose fat fastlose weight