Best New Android Apps from August (Download Links)
August has ended and like every month, we saw a plethora of new Android apps coming to the Play Store. Out of all the apps, only a few can make it to the list of best apps. So it’s time to sit back with a cup of coffee and check out the best Android apps of August we have picked up for you. Let’s roll
WeTransfer, the famous file transfer system that lets your send big files of every kind to anyone, is officially now on Android. You can send files, photos and documents to anyone directly to his contact number using WeTransfer. You can select the photos and items from albums and storage to send things in bulk. The best past is that you can pause and resume the downloads anytime you want in the WeTransfer Android app.
Ignore No More
Although this pick might bring some boorishness on our teenage readers, but still, we have a lot of parents. Ignore No More app is a piece of epic smartness, which now makes it practically impossible for the children to ignore the calls of their ‘ever calling parents’ to check up what they are up to. Ignore No More app locks the phone of the one who does not pick the call of his or her parent. The idea is to facilitate the parents to have an access for setting up the password remotely on their kid’s phone. The kid can know the password only in one condition: call back to your parents. So ignoring your parents’ calls while partying is gone now (sigh).
We see literally hundreds of weather apps in the Play Store every month and the weather app space is becoming saturated, but the clean and solid weather app like YoWindow makes it necessary to mention it to our readers. YoWindow makes the virtual landscape based on the weather outside your window. It’s beautifully designed and smart.
Next time you are in a hurry to know what’s the best restaurant around you, how you should fix the stuff in your backyard or anything you want to ask, instead of complex searching and finding the best answers, use Ooloo. Ooloo allows you to record the question in audio and get the answer from thousands of people ready to answer. The idea is to kill time and make search faster and seamless. I mean who minds telling the problem in words by speaking, right?
You must have heard about Afterlight, a very famous image editing iOS app. It has finally made to the Android Play Store. It’s a pretty clean apps, giving you a bundle of options like editing mix, including brightness, contrast, saturation, exposure compensation, highlights, shadows, temperature, sharpening and much more.
Bound It
We all have friends who take your phone to see a single photo or call someone, but get themselves treating with private pictures of you and your life. Bound It has arrived to clout these peepers off. Using Bound It, you can quickly make a small slideshow of the photos you want your friend to see, locking all the other photos.