Best TED Talks that Will Change Your Life Forever

Best TED Talks that Will Change Your Life Forever

If you are feeling down and low, in need of an uplifting inspiration, TED talks might be the best way to get back in business. TED talks feature inspirational talks delivered by people from all walks of life. Some of these talks are life changing.  Consider the following TED talks that inspire radical ideas for changing attitude towards life forever.

Elizabeth Gilbert: Your Elusive Creative Genius

This TED talk is very important for people looking to pursue their career in arts. Elizabeth presents the idea that you should take all pressure away from you while achieving your goals in arts. Don’t try anything that is impossible for you. She gives you an alternative way of thinking about your innovative self.

Larry Smith: Why You Will Fail to Have a Bright Career

The ideas and thinking patterns of Larry Smith are a great source of inspiration for people. He challenges the modern day ethics of work and our intimate relationships as justifications for not achieving our career objectives. His comments are quite motivational when he expresses his ideas that we might fail when we are afraid.

David Blaine: How I Held My Breathe for 17 Minutes

The magician David Blaine holds the point of view that anything is possible if one is willing to accept the challenge. In this TED talk, he reflects on his life as a real effort including experimenting, training and practice while pushing through the hindrances and obstacles. He takes virtually impossible tasks as challenges.

Sam Berns: My Philosophy for a Happy Life

The high school student Sam Berns carries just 50 pounds weight at the age of 17 due to a rare debilitating disease called as Progeria. He is unable to do many routine tasks that normal humans do. However, he inspires the idea that you need to use innovative and creative ideas to bring hidden talent to rescue you. Creativity makes impossible tasks possible.

Simon Sinek: Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe

The leadership expert Simon Sinek is author of two books that present revolutionary ideas about successful leadership. In this TED talk, he has discussed the innate human necessity for feeling safe. The business world is full of risks and dangers. In this situation, the role of leaders is very important to steer your ship out of trouble. The safety and lives of the people should be kept at the first priority in business world.

Apollo Robbins: The Art of Misdirection

Popularly known as a pickpocket in the world, Apollo Robbins studies the habits of human behavior as he steals some of your items. In a hilarious manner, Robbins samples the buffet of audience of 2013 TEDGlobal by demonstrating how the errors in our judgment make it possible to pick the wallet and then return, leaving them clueless. His message is inspiring to come out of your natural thinking patterns and do something creative.

Let us know which one you liked the most in the comments.

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