Best Xbox One Games of 2018: Review and Download Links

Since the launch of Xbox one four years ago, many games have been released. As it is a strong year of gaming, we have compiled the best Xbox one games of 2018 so far and the ones worth waiting for which you don’t want to miss playing.

Monster Hunter: World

It is the finest and prime version for the evolution of Monster Hunter series. It features smooth integration between combat systems which were previously inconceivable for amateurs. It will keep you riveted for hours to take down beasts with playmates and design weapons to hunt down more monsters.

Far Cry 5

One of the best Xbox one games of 2018 that let you play as a Deputy who find themselves up against an enigmatic cult. It features the same outrageous, melodramatic open world mechanics like the preceding series. Far Cry 5 has remarkable action in splendid scenery with four villains, each having their own style.

Sonic Mania

The series best Sonic game ever made with interpretive and colorful 2D graphics. Its dazzling 90s pop soundtrack puts any Sonic sequel in excitement. It features 12 zones which are accurately designed with smartly placed obstacles and diverse pathways that keep you guessing.


A challenging side-scrolling old school run and gun shooter having ruthless battles which call for prompt firing actions. At most the battles last for three minutes but they feel longer when you realize that you can only take up three hits before you have to start from beginning. The best Xbox one game of 2018 which knocks down Cuphead’s bosses through rewarding tasks.

Stardew Valley

A game based on farming along with more adventurous features. It is full of rewards from fishing to mining to making friends and falling in love. The game exposes personal reflection in real world. The players have to manage their character’s energy level and time while raising livestock, planting crops and engaging in social activities. Stardew Valley is the best Xbox one game 2018 that tugs at your curiosity.

The Crew 2

In an open world interpretation of US, the best Xbox game 2018 indulge you into racing, boating and flying. This online racing game is expected to be released on June 29th, 2018. It lets you drive in every vehicle that you can ever imagine. Moreover, you can switch between the vehicles. If you get tired of racing, you can directly change to a plane and fly away from road or switch to a boat and jump over a river.

Kingdom Hearts lll

The long awaited sequel in Disney and Square Enix’s fascinating, long-running RPG collaboration for which we have waited for seven years. In the action game, Sora steals another Master’s key-blade on the Destiny Island; while different worlds have their own Key-blade transformations. We are expecting for Scar to return in Kingdom Hearts lll so we can fire “Buzz Light-year Astro Blasters” into his face. This best Xbox One game is expected to release by mid of 2018.



2018 gamesbest xboxbest xbox gamesxbox games