Black Panther has officially surpassed Titanic to become the 3rd Highest Grossing US movie release of all time

James Cameron’s Titanic has become Hollywood’s measuring scale for a really good and popular movie. That’s primarily because the movie Titanic held the record for the all-time high grossing American theatrical release for years.

That was until Cameron again beat that record with the release of Avatar. Few years after that, Star Wars: The Force Awakens surpassed both movies to become the highest grossing U.S. theatrical release in history.

Nonetheless, Titanic remains the yard-stick for measuring how good a movie is with the masses. Therefore, Ryan Coogler, deserves a standing ovation given his Black Panther film release has just rocketed passed the Titanic.

Black Panther has grossed about $661 million in its box office run; narrowly staying ahead of the ship-sinking epic film. Coogler has – at least in the foreseeable future – cemented its place as the third highest grossing U.S. theatrical release in history.

Well, Coogler and team behind Black Panther elicited a lot of racial feeling, particularly in the United States. There are those who are of the view the movie was necessary so that the underrepresented communities in Hollywood films have something to look up to; something that resembles them in terms of their history, culture, and race among other things.

There were also those of the view that the film was divisive, pitting the Black community against particularly the White community; the later have been hugely represented in Hollywood films, and more often than not cast in positive light.

With Black Panther, most of the casts are black, and the main star who is also a superhero is also black. It one of the very few times where a black kid will have some fictional figure to look up to who resembles their skin color.

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