CcHub’s annual re:learn Summer of Code now in its 4th run is receiving applications

For its fourth year in a row, re:learn is currently receiving applications to the 2017 Summer of Code for kids aged 5 – 18 years old. This program by Co-creation Hub (CcHub), is a 4-weeks interactive learning program where the kids are taught fundamental skills in computer science and programming.

The kids are taught, among other things “how to design computer games and animations using Scratch, design web pages using HTML/CSS and build computer applications using Python.”

Although re:learn has multiple programs going on throughout the year, it sets aside a special program for kids during the long school holiday season in Nigeria. This special Summer of Code program has classes running every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the 4-weeks of the long school holiday.

This year the classes start on July 31 through to August 26 from 10 AM to 3 PM. The classes will run concurrently in Lagos, Abuja, Oyo, and Osun. re:learn tries to maintain the same learning experience for all the students enrolled in the program across the four cities.

Other than technical skills on programming, the kids are also taught some soft-skills. For instance, they will be learn about project management (how to manage one’s project with the limited resources), collaboration (to build up teamwork spirit), communication (how to put across their ideas), presentation (how to demo their products) and time management (learning to work within the set time limits) among others.

re:learn will be marked by a Demo Day climax where the kids will have to showcase before their parents and friends what they have learned during their Summer of Code. No doubt, CcHub’s efforts will go a long way in sparking an interest in STEM in kids in Nigeria. Something that will help the country become tech solutions producer and not just a consumer as it has been the case for many African countries over the years.

Parents across the country are encouraged to register their kids for this year Summer of Code by re:learn. To register your kids, click on this link.

CcHubCo-Creation HubNigeriare:learnSummer of Code