How to Change 4G Logo in iPhone Status Bar with LTE

How to Change 4G Logo in iPhone Status Bar with LTE

If you are using 4G supported iPhone with internet provided by your carrier as 4G LTE technology, then your smartphone will show “4G” on status bar. It might be a good idea to replace the 4G logo with LTE as it would look unique and interesting. You may trick your friends into thinking that you have been upgraded to a special package by your carrier. Here are some simple steps to change 4G logo to LTE in iPhone status bar.

Change 4G Logo to LTE in iPhone

You need to use a jailbreak teak for this purpose, called as “Change 4G to LTE”. It is available for free and can be downloaded from BigBoss repository of Cydia store. Once you have installed the app, you need to go to the Settings of your iPhone. Toggle the option of changing 4G to LTE On.  This jailbreak tweak has been tested to work for iOS 8.1.2 on iPhone 6 Plus.

Don’t Miss: How to Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 using TaiG 

It is well understood that this tweak will not have any kind of effect on the speed of internet provided by your carrier. However, your friends will not know that. This app might be considered as an extra jewel in your armory. When you have jailbroken your device, you are always on the lookout to gather useful tweaks to improve your overall iOS experience.


