Could China Be Running Espionage Operations In The Caribbean Under The Guise Of Aid?
Over the last few years, various Caribbean governments have been the beneficiaries of personal computers donations from foreign governments. Now security experts allege that there could be clandestine hardware modifications done to some of these computers that could pose a threat to these countries’ national security. The following are some Caribbean countries that have benefited from China’s computer donations:
- Antigua and Barbuda: 500 laptops from China towards the country’s One Laptop per Child Policy. China also supplied the country with military aid, which included computers.
- Bahamas: In September 2013, China supplied Lenovo laptops to the Bahamas Government Information Services.
- Barbados: China gave all members of parliament laptops.
- Dominica: In 2013, China supplied 6 laptop computers and 30 desktop computers among other computer accessories.
- Grenada: It’s reported China supplied computers to the Royal Grenada Police Force.
- Trinidad and Tobago: Back in 2011, the government purchased 17,300 Lenovo laptops.
Last year, the Australian Financial Review (AFR) reported that Lenovo Computers have been banned by various intelligence agencies around the world; citing “back-door” hardware and “firmware” vulnerabilities in the Lenovo chips. Lenovo is a leading computer manufacturer initially created by a Chinese government department but has grown to become one of the leading computer makers in the world.
Dennis Adonis, an author at Epoch Times, wrote that Jamaica and Guyana are probably the leading beneficiaries from China’s investments in the Caribbean. They are also the principal users of largely counterfeit technology from China.
Adonis wrote, “From the computer units used by every government department, to Guyana’s One Laptop Per Family Project, the Chinese government-planted Hubber Spy Worm has certainly given China a firm clandestine hold on every single keystroke, email and communication emanating from the Guyanese government, and even that of its citizens.”
Guyana is said to be the biggest Caribbean economic playground and hub for communication harvesting for China. Unknowingly it is the biggest host of HUB 79; alleged China’s cyber army launched in the Caribbean that is also allegedly backed by the Chinese government. Rabin Seth, a retired Israeli Intelligence officer, told Epoch Times says the function of HUB 79 is to infiltrate the computers of Guyanese government officials, diplomatic officials, military personnel, media house and journalist among other similar units. It then retrieves any and all information that could be useful to China in advancing its trade, economic growth, security and military interest.
Seth cited the purchase of GT&T (Guyana’s main telecommunication company) by Datang Group, which is funded by the Chinese government was not an accident. He also said Huawei Technology presence in Guyana’s eGovernance Project is not a mere coincidence. Seth outlined to Epoch Times several countries including the USA, which have already banned Huawei from having any dealing in their respective government projects. Under the allegations that Huawei is an intelligence tool for the government of China and poses a serious threat to other countries’ national security.
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