The CORE – The Superior Apple iOS Docks Set To Revolutionize The Market

The CORE – The Superior Apple iOS Docks Set To Revolutionize The Market

In the three decades or so that Apple devices have been around, many consumers have grown quiet so fond of them. So much so, that they have become deeply embedded into the very fabric of our lives; some of us cannot function without these ‘smart’ devices.

However, there has not been any developer in the market who has satisfied consumers need to have a dock for their devices, that does more than just charge them. We spend so much in purchasing the Apple mobile devices, and it is only right that we have a suitable dock for them that match their specifications. This is what led to one Apple product consumer, to develop his own dock; and not your ordinary kind of iOS devices dock. His is a special and unique type of dock.

Known as “The CORE,” this is a revolutionary Apple iOS device dock that is above your average type of docks. It is set to bring an entire evolution into the world of Apple devices docks. The inventor first started out, by buying a 3D Printer from Makerbot and began developing the prototypes.

After a year’s worth of research and development, he came up with a prototype that would accommodate both the 30-pin and the Lightning cables. The docking product is now ready to hit the market, and it promises a lot of excitement to all Apple enthusiasts.

The CORE not only charges Apple devices using the standard Apple iOS charging cables, but also has exclusive features that cannot be found in the competing products. They are big and heavily built, compared to the Elevation Dock, making them ideal for supporting both the iPhone and iPad.

Their bigger size and weight gives them a good stability that makes it possible for “one-hand docking and undocking”, and it remains on the table like it is supposed to be, instead of flying off into the air along with your device as you undock. The CORE can charge all Apple iOS devices ranging from iPhones, iPads and iPods irrespective of the charging format.

The developers of the CORE need your support in order to start large scale production of this product. They are currently running a campaign on Indiegogo and promise backers from Windsor, ON, Canada and Las Vegas/Henderson NV, USA a refund for their shipping costs if you pick up their product as soon as they are ready. They will begin shipping their products on December 1st, 2014. To support their initiative follow this link.

AppleApple Device DockIndiegogoiOS DevicesThe CORE