CraigPhone App – Secure Your Privacy, Safety and Convenience While On Craigslist
We all enjoy the benefits of running advertisements and getting information from Craigslist. The importance of such a platform can’t be appreciated enough as it is simply invaluable to our lives. However, there has always been a danger associated with Craigslist, which we all stand a chance of falling into. Sometimes even the most careful and the tech-savvy among us also fall prey to these online threats: phishing, spamming, prank callers, identity thefts, cyber bullying, robbers, and scammers among others.
Despite these challenges the use of this website is quite important to most of us, and discontinuing its use is simply out of the question. However, this is not to say that we are just going to take our chances and hope for the best in the midst of all these online insecurities and threats. A solution to these problems has presented itself in a form of a young team of six innovative young developers who have developed an app dubbed CraigPhone. The CraigPhone app was developed for the sole purpose of ensuring your online safety and security is guaranteed by sealing the loopholes that were previously there.
The app was developed based on three layers of protection: Blacklists, Mobile Payments and Spam Filters. In order for users to enjoy these protections, every communication they make to their Craigslist counterparts must be through the CraigPhone App that uses a virtual phone number allowing the users to make and receive calls, text messages and voicemail from any phone user across the US. Meaning your original phone number issued by your carrier will not be displayed, even though you will use it to make the transactions on Craigslist, but the CraigPhone App will bar Craigslist users from knowing your real number. Also, you CraigPhone calls will not appear on your phone bill statements. The benefits accrued from the CraigPhone are as listed below:
- Safety: Avoid dealing with cash which has lead to numerous Craigslist users being mugged when it comes to meeting the prospective sellers who turn out to be fake sellers and ending up mugging you. CraigPhone app prevents this by enabling you to pay via your phone thus no need to carry money. You simply scan your credit card into the CraigPhone app via the phone’s camera, which will store the card information in a “keychain”, and hence enable you to pay using your credit card after you’ve verified the item you intended to buy.
- Privacy: When transacting with online buyers or sellers, the CraigPhone app generates a number with which you will transact with, as opposed to transacting with your real number issued by your service carrier. This will protect you from having to give your personal number to the strangers you will be meeting online.
- Unblock Calls: From experience whenever you issue out your real number to unknown people in the general public. You will fall victim to prank callers and disturbers who hide their numbers. With CraigPhone app, you will automatically be able to unmask all incoming callers numbers hence enabling you to know exactly who the perpetrators of this irritating vise. Thus you will be able to confront them or take necessary legal action to protect yourself from further disturbances and nuisance.
- Spam Proof: CraigPhone app automatically block the known spammers and prevents them from texting or calling the Craigslist platform users. This will save you from the inconveniences of reading unwanted texts or getting unwanted calls.
- Reputation: CraigPhone app has already established itself with a reputation of having trustworthy users, hence a new user using this app will automatically get the benefit of the doubt and accorded a high level of trust than would have otherwise been the case.
- Convenience of Use: This app will automatically update all of your prospective buyers whenever your item has been sold. This will be efficient on their side as they will be saved from the burden of enquiring this information for themselves.
This CraigPhone app was created by the following team of highly innovative developers comprising of Esco Obong (CEO/Co-Founder), Faizan Sattar (CTO/Co-Founder), Solomon Gorkhover (CITO/Co-Founder), Thinh Nguyen (CISO/Co-Founder), Nick Kovurov (CRO/Co-Founder) and Theo Melios (iOS Engineer/Co-Founder)
Stay tuned, the CraigPhone app team is set to release the Alpha version of this app by Monday. Also don’t forget to follow CraigPhone app on twitter by clicking here.