Dating in this Day and Age through Social Media

Dating in this Day and Age through Social Media
Spring is almost here and love is in the air. The subject of dating always comes up during conversations among friends and family, along with all that discussions of “does he like me?” But what do you do when it seems that the traditional ways of meeting a significant other has gone digital? The surge of dating sites and dating apps has grown exponentially. It has also spread from the usual dating sites such as, and to now the Instagram, Twitter and Facebook world. The attraction with social media stems from finding someone with similar interests and passion without having to search profiles.  Practically anywhere you go internet browsing can possibly be a place to connect with someone you wouldn’t find otherwise. Social media definitely provides a new way to find romance. A picture is painted about one’s personality and there is no pressure attached to liking someone’s picture or poking them on Facebook, starting a chat through Kik, or following them on Twitter.

In some cases dating through the internet can be a double edged sword because some people embellish their lives and even their looks. You can find yourself being “catfished” and wondering where the person you liked disappeared to when in fact that person was never there. Time and effort has to be placed to find out if a person is truly genuine and to do so you will have to leave the social media platform and get to know them on a one-on-one basis. Personally, I don’t like the impersonal nature of social media. I would rather go out to meet new people, cultivate a friendship as a foundation and then decide to be in a monogamous relationship. It seems that both men and women are less proactive when face to face but yet they feel motivated when behind their laptop, mobile phone or other electronic devices. I am sure love can be found in the strangest places but dating is a serious project and both parties have to be able and willing for a serious connection to be made.

I’ve been speed dating through NY Minute Dating and loved the experience. If for nothing else it helps introverts open up, relax and have a good time. They pick comfortable, social locations all over the city and each event is constructed based on a theme to make sure everyone who attends is looking for the same qualifications whether it is age, profession or hobbies. You will definitely sharpen you people skills rather than leaving it dormant.

Everyone is different but nothing tried nothing gained. If you have a busy professional life and you aren’t able to go out and mingle then social media might be the best tool for you. However, if you can plan a fun night with friends and be open to meeting new people, it might be all you need to open the chapter of dating.  Best of luck to you!

DatingSocial Media