DEMO Africa 2014 – The Future of Angel Investing in Africa

DEMO Africa 2014 – The Future of Angel Investing in Africa

On Wednesday September 24, various angel networks that have emerged across Africa over the past years will converge in Lagos, Nigeria. Kicking off innovation event DEMO Africa 2014, venture capital community VC4Africa presents a special Investor Summit – “The Future of Angel Investing in Africa, focused on investors in African startups and early stage companies.

The event will be the first time angel investor networks like Cairo Angels, Lagos Angels Network, Ghana Angel Investors Network, Africa Angels Network, Angel Africa List and others come together to meet, exchange best practices, share lessons learned and set the road map for the future. Experts from organizations such as infoDev, the World Bank, African Development Bank, the European Business Angels Networks (EBAN), VC4Africa’s Investor Network and others are also invited to join the conversation.

“For Angel Investors by Angel Investors”

The Investor Summit will focus on knowledge exchange between the continent’s various angel investors and angel investor networks and focus on the roadmap of the future of angel investing in Africa. The program will consist of speakers, breakout sessions and fireside chats. Investors will be both local and international and will consist of angel investors, impact investors, venture capital funds, corporates (corporate venture capital); all focused on early stage SME investing. Keynote speakers will be announced shortly.

The day will conclude with an exclusive investor-only cocktail on the evening of September 24 at the Oriental Hotel in Lagos. This will kick-off DEMO Africa 2014, the annual event where innovative African entrepreneurs come to launch their products and announce to Africa and the world what they have developed, on September 25th and 26th. All events are taking place at the Oriental Hotel Lagos, Nigeria.

“Help shape the Future of Angel Investing in Africa.”

VC4Africa offers a special package for investors who want to attend the Investor Summit and the whole DEMO Africa 2014 event in Lagos, Nigeria. The investor package costs USD 650 and includes VIP tickets to the Investor Summit and investor only cocktail (September 24th) and the 2 day DEMO Africa event, including free access to a deal room (September 25th and 26th), and a full year Pro account subscription on venture capital platform VC4Africa. Furthermore, it will give access to outstanding network opportunities and VIP services during the DEMO Africa event.

African StartupsAngel InvestorsDEMO AFRICALagosNigeriaVC4Africa