Before we get into the gist of this article, let us explore the fundamental question of life.
Why are you here?
In today’s modern world, a lot of people will struggle to answer that question. Then again, who can blame them. Life has drastically changed from its primal functions, and each one of us is chasing self-actualization in completely different ways as envisioned in our modernity.
There are those that want to be richer than Elon Musk. Some want to be inventors of the next cutting edge technology. Some wants to be at the pinnacle of their professional careers. The reasons why different people wake out of bed are as different and diverse as there are grains of sand on a sandy beach.
But why are you really here?
You are here to eat, f&$k, reproduce, and then die. Within you lies the genetic code of humanity, and it is your solemn duty to ensure the survival and adaptation of your kind. However, let’s leave that train of thought for the National Geographic Wild.
While some might argue – rightly so – that the following were the most important inventions of humanity:
1. Wheel: The invention of the wheel revolutionized transportation and facilitated the movement of goods and people, leading to the development of civilizations.
2. Agriculture: The practice of cultivating crops and domesticating animals allowed humans to transition from nomadic lifestyles to settled societies, sparking the development of civilization.
3. Writing: The ability to record information through writing enabled the preservation and transmission of knowledge across generations, laying the foundation for education, governance, and communication.
4. Printing Press: Invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century, the printing press facilitated the mass production of books and sparked the spread of literacy, knowledge, and ideas during the Renaissance and beyond.
5. Electricity: The discovery and harnessing of electricity revolutionized society, powering technological advancements such as lighting, communication, transportation, and manufacturing.
6. Steam Engine: Invented during the Industrial Revolution, the steam engine mechanized industry and transportation, driving economic growth and urbanization.
7. Penicillin: The discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928 revolutionized medicine by introducing the first antibiotic, saving countless lives and transforming healthcare.
8. Internet: The development of the internet transformed communication, commerce, and access to information, connecting people worldwide and reshaping society in the digital age.
9. Automobile: The invention of the automobile revolutionized transportation, enabling faster travel and reshaping cities, economies, and lifestyles.
10. Computer: The development of computers and digital technology revolutionized information processing, leading to advancements in science, industry, communication, and entertainment.
No doubt, the above-mentioned inventions have been crucial in the shaping of human history. The fact remains, when answering the question on which is the most important invention in the history of mankind. It is still quite subjective and will vary depending on one’s perspective criteria.
In this article, I dare pose that bread is the most important invention in the history of humanity.
Why is Bread the Most Important Invention in the Human History?
Bread is a cornerstone of civilization, pivotal to the development of agriculture and settled societies. Its importance lies in its role as a reliable means of preserving grain, particularly wheat, which is crucial for sustaining populations year-round.
Unlike other crops, wheat’s natural preservation properties make it an ideal choice for long-term storage. Ground into flour, it can be transformed into bread, providing a stable food source that requires minimal preparation.
With the addition of basic ingredients like yeast, salt, or eggs, bread becomes not only sustenance but a staple of diets worldwide. This ability to create a sustainable food reserve without the need for constant hunting or gathering has been fundamental to the evolution of agriculture and society as we know it.
The argument presented in the article is that bread is the most important invention in human history because it facilitated the development of agriculture, settled societies, and the sustenance of populations. Let’s examine this argument and look for supporting or opposing evidence:
Importance of Bread in Agricultural Development
Bread, made from grains like wheat, was crucial for the development of agriculture. The ability to store and preserve grains, particularly wheat, allowed for the sustenance of settled societies. Supporting evidence for this could be found in archaeological and historical records showing the cultivation of wheat and other grains alongside the rise of early civilizations such as Mesopotamia and Egypt.
Long-term Food Preservation
Wheat is easy to preserve, as it self-dries at harvest and can be ground into flour for long-term storage. This assertion aligns with known agricultural practices, as grains like wheat were indeed essential for storing food beyond immediate consumption.
Role of Bread in Sustaining Populations
Bread, along with some additional ingredients like yeast, salt, or eggs, could sustain populations through winter without the need for hunting or gathering. Bread and dried grains grains in general provided a reliable food source for early civilizations beyond the period of planting and harvesting. It ensured they could survive even when not actively planting, hunting, or gathering.
Comparison with Other Grains
While wheat is not the only grain with preservation properties, it is the most widespread and simple to preserve of all grains. It self-dries right on the field before harvesting. The only other grain that could come close to wheat is rice. Although corn is quite popular, there is additional work people need to do to ensure corn is viable for a much longer time.
The Lord’s Prayer, found in the Bible in Matthew 6:11 (NIV), includes the line:
“Give us today our daily bread.”
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