How to disable Microsoft’s ‘Updates from more than one place’ on your Windows 10 PC

Microsoft baked in a nifty and stealthy feature on Windows 10 that works like torrents delivering updates from one PC to the other. As it works out, one PC can download updates for either the system or for a particular app. Other PCs connected to the same network will also get those updates, not from the internet but shared from the PC that first got those updates.

That feature obviously has the advantage of saving you on data consumption if you are on a metered internet connection. However, the downside to it is that it raises security concerns if the PCs in question are not connected to a private network. Say, computers connected to a public Wi-Fi at the library, or at the airport.

The security concerns (whether genuine or not) could make people uncomfortable with this Windows 10 feature. The worst part is that it comes turned on by default on some computers. In this article, we are going to show you how to check if your computer is turned on by default for the option ‘Updates from more than one place’.

How to check if ‘Updates from more than one place’ is turned on by default

Go to ‘Settings > Update and Security > under the Update Settings click on Advanced Options submenu.

Select ‘choose how updates are delivered’ in the Advanced Options submenu.

Under the Updates from more than one place, check to see if it is turned on by default. If it is on, then that means your PC by defaults torrents out updates to other PCs on your network. If it is on, then you need to ask yourself if this is a feature you would like turned on.

Turning it on gives you two option; PCs on my local network and PCs on my local network, and PCs on the internet. It is advisable you only select the first option.

MicrosoftPro TipsWindows 10