Disbale Fitness, Motion and Location Tracking in iOS 8 in iPhone 6, iPhone 5

Apple’s iOS 8 was highly focused on health apps and fitness tracking. Tech companies are heavily emphasizing the importance of health and investing billions in this area as awareness and scope of this industry is on the rise. Apple’s iOS 8 has an automatic fitness and motion tracking feature which allows you to track your routine, diet, walk, running and exercise. You could calculate the calories burnt, steps you walked etc. But if this motion and fitness tracking feature is enabled, it could eat your battery within a few hours. Also, a lot of people don’t like location and motion tracking always because there is a high chance of security breach and we have a lot of examples in which maps, accounts and photos were hacked using these motion and location tracking apps. You can disable fitness, motion and location tracking in iPhone 6 easily by following these steps.

In your iPhone 6, launch Settings app.

Tap on ‘Privacy’

Scroll down and locate ‘Motion and Fitness’ option. Now turn off the switch saying ‘Fitness Tracking’

After a latest update, you can disable motion and fitness tracking by going to Privacy, then tapping on  “Health” and then under “Start Running”, disable Walking + Running/ Weight/ Workouts.

This simple toggle will disable the motion and fitness tracking in iPhone 6 iOS 8. If you change your mind, you could always come at the same place and toggle on the motion and fitness tracking option. Enjoy

healthiOS 8iphone 6motion