Effects of Brexit on Travel or Study, Visa, Passport, Jobs and Expats and More

The UK’s decision to leave Europe came as a bombshell to the European markets. The pound fell to its all-time lows and analysts are predicting massive reverberations of the fateful decision in years to come. Here are the effects of Brexit on Visa, passport for Study and travel and jobs in general.

Effects of Brexit on Jobs, Travel, Passport, Visa, Immigration and More

Travelling and Costs

Travelling will go costly for the Brits, mainly due to the declining pound. UK’s membership of the European Union makes travelling and holidaymaking easy for the Britishers as cost of tickets and other items are less, in accordance with the strength of the pound. But now, even enjoying a holiday in Dubai or Thailand will feel heavier on the pocket.

New Passport After Brexit?

Millions of people are searching for the answers to the question: Will I need a new passport after Brexit? Well, as you might know, the UK passport currently has “European Union” written on it. After the negotiations between the UK and the EU regarding a settlement and future arrangement are settled, and UK parts ways with EU officially, you will definitely need a new passport. But there is no need to worry about this now.Rushing to the passport office will also not work as nothing can happen before the official deal between the EU and UK, which can take as long as two years.

European Health Insurance Card (Ehic) After Brexit

Your European Health Insurance Card (Ehic), which promises you the medical attention when you are travelling across Europe, is also valid till the negotiations between EU and UK concludes. After these negotiations, your EHIC card will go invalid.

What About Getting Jobs in the EU after Brexit?

Perhaps the most shocking news after Brexit is that the citizens of the UK will not be able to get jobs easily in other 27 countries of the EU. According to vice president of the NUS, Sorana Vieru, going out of the UK will put a check on freedom of movement, residence in the EU, and other legal complexities, which will make it difficult for the UK people to enjoy employment anywhere in the EU as they did before Brexit.

Education, Study, Scholarships in UK and EU after Brexit

Education in the UK is costly. That’s why thousands of students seeking quality education took to the universities in Germany, Netherlands, and other EU countries. The membership of the EU made it easy for them to get education in less money Scholarships and schemes like Erasmus also gave loads of opportunities to the students. But Brexit will make it difficult for the students to get study visas. Cost of education will also soar.

What About the People of the EU in the UK?

What about the 3 million people from all over the European Union countries working and living in the UK? Most probably, they will not be forced to leave the country. However, the plummeting pound, a more “less open” UK and the need of new work permits will affect their work flow and life dynamics.

It is safe to assume that the coming months in the UK and Europe will be full of uncertainty and shocks. The shocking decision to leave Europe will make the UK to embark upon a path full of isolated adventurousness and risks. Tell us what do you think of Brexit and what are your worries about the future following this decision.
