Enabling Hidden Battery Usage Menu in iOS 8/8.1

Enabling Hidden Battery Usage Menu in iOS 8/8.1

Do you want to view the detailed battery information in your iOS 8/8.1 devices? The jailbreak community has geared up to provide wonderful features for the users of iOS 8 smartphones and tablets. The real attention has now turned towards the innovative tweaks that the new operating system has to offer. This article shows you how to enable hidden battery usage menu in iOS 8/8.1 with the help of a wonderful jailbreak tweak, called as “DetailedBatteryUsage”. This tweak provides more than just the percentage of battery left in your device.

How to Enable Hidden Battery Usage Menu in iOS 8/8.1

The name of the tweak has already revealed its functionality. The wonderful jailbreak tweak takes advantage of the Setting app’s stock battery usage page to provide useful information for you. The results offered by the app may not be comparable with the standards iOS 8 already maintains. But, you will get many stats and figures to play with.

The first thing that you will notice is the addition of the new battery usage curve. This figure is taken for granted by the Android users since it is available easily on their handsets. It is quite surprising to see that the battery statistics are not available by the company by default. When you tap on a certain app, you will get the information about the battery usage. You will also see the energy consumed by the CPU when the particular app is active.

At the bottom, you will see the option to show/hide the daemons from the list. You can use the button “Save For Demo” to generate the list of data, to be viewed later by the users.

The description of the tweak in Cydia reveals that the battery usage information is used by Apple during the development of devices. The handy jailbreak utility is developed by Hamza Sood, who is quite famous for taking iOS 8/8.1 betas. He has also been involved in the manufacturing of Apple’s devices. The detailed battery features are brought as a result of his in-depth association with the development of Apple’s devices in the beta days.

DetailedBatteryUsage is a free jailbreak tweak and can be downloaded from the BigBoss repo of the Cydia store. Of course, you would need to jailbreak your iOS 8/8.1 device first of all to use this amazing jailbreak tweak. The jailbreak community has found out a sophisticated way to jailbreak iOS 8/8.1 devices, called as Pangu.


To utilize the handy information about battery, you need to enable hidden battery usage menu in iOS 8 using a free jailbreak tweak “DetailedBatteryUSage”. You will get deep insight into the utilization of battery by different apps of your smartphone or tablets.


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