Nigerians have more than their enough fair share of 4G LTE networks. That is as far as comparing Nigeria to the rest of Africa, where only a few have access to this faster and high quality network.
To spoil the consumer with even more 4G LTE choices, Etisalat too has joined the list of Nigerian telecoms offering the service. Etisalat, which has made a name for itself, of being the fastest growing telecom service provider in Nigeria, has rolled out 4G network.
The service is currently live in some areas of Lagos, and is expected to roll out throughout the country in the few coming months.
“The 4G LTE technology offers our customers increased access to high speed data and quality voice services real time. With the new technology, our customers will enjoy efficient broadband internet and uninterrupted connectivity to clearer voice calls, increased access to online streaming and ultra-high definition videos,” said Mathew Willsher, the Etisalat Nigeria CEO.
No need for new SIM Card
Etisalat Nigeria is deploying its 4G network is perhaps the most convenient way yet for subscribers. Etisalat subscribers will not need to go out and get (buy) a new SIM card to enjoy the faster 4G LTE connection on their phones. The existing Etisalat SIM cards are already 4G compliant.
Neither will subscribers with older model of phones with 4G connectivity have to buy new phones. The type of 4G network Etisalat is deploying is compatible with both new and old models of 4G devices.
Etisalat reiterates its commitment to driving the economic growth of Nigeria by enabling people access digital online material faster and cheaper. In the long run, boosting education, e-commerce, and service delivery by Government bodies to the citizens via the internet. Etisalat says its target, is to deliver superior customer experience.