Facebook Features you might not know about, but Power Users already use

Facebook Features you might not know about, but Power Users already use

Zac and company’s Facebook.com is perhaps the most popular site on the internet. You might think it is Google.com, but my money is on Zac’s giving you only need Google when researching. However, when connecting to friends, you are probably going to do so on Facebook.

That said, the site has a plethora of features to enrich your enjoyments. However, many people just know the feature they need; the ones they use most often. Forgetting there are many others that could make ‘managing friends and connections’ on Facebook a lot easier. Feature power users use on a daily basis making their Facebook experience richer. Some of these features include:

The Second Facebook Inbox – Message Requests: Did you know you have two inboxes on Facebook. One for the friends you’ve connected with and one for ‘friends’ you have not connected with. The Message Requests inbox is where people who are not your friends on Facebook can inbox you, but you will not get a notification of their messages. Until such a time you are willing to look for their messages. That is when you look into the Message Requests inbox, and you will see those messages.

See ‘Where You’re Logged In’: Have you ever logged into your Facebook from a friend’s computer or a public computer? Do you suspect someone could be snooping in your account; perhaps someone close to you who could have known your Go to the Settings page and under the Security folder, you will see a link, Where You’re Logged In. It will show you all the devices (desktop or mobile) you are currently logged in; including location, browser, and device. If something seems out of place, you can choose ‘end activity’ for an individual device or all the devices.

You can send/receive Files on Facebook: People still asks each other on Facebook for the other to email them certain files, not realizing it can be done right there on Facebook. When you open the Messenger window, there is that paper clip icon along the bottom. Click it, and you can select any file on your computer and upload it to the contact you’re chatting with. The receiver will only need to click the link to download the file.

Get back the English (Pirate) or English (Upside Down): It was around 2007-10 when the Pirates of Caribbean was such a hit, so much so that staffers at Facebook thought it was a good idea we all be speaking that Pirate language. To activate English Pirate or English Upside Down go to General Account Settings > Language.

Facebook Notes: Sometimes you don’t need a blog to communicate to your followers. Sometimes a long string of texts, in multiple paragraphs is all you need to connect with your fans digitally. Facebook has that too right inside its ecosystem, where you can write notes, insert pictures and spill out your thoughts to your followers. Just head on to Facebook.com/Notes.

Check out your Romance History with bae: To see you and bae’s history of Fb, go to Facebook.com/us. However, to actually see history, you must be listed as in a relationship with that person. If you have no relationship status, Facebook will think you are in a relationship with yourself.

Save Link for later: This feature comes in handy for those times you come across an interesting article shared by a friend, but you don’t have the time to open the link and read it at that particular time. So you say yourself that you’ll come back to it later, but you never do. If there is any link, picture, video, or post you would like to view later, click the ‘Save link’ button from the pull-down. They will be saved in your Saved folder for later viewing.

Will your Facebook Account after you Pass: Death is inevitable, we all must seize to exist just as we once were no more. That said, Facebook has given you the ability to decide who will manage your account once your time has come. By naming your legacy contact, that contact will manage your account once you’re no more.

With the above mentioned, we have barely scratched the surface of all the features power users know about Facebook. There are many others left out, which we will update later on. In the meantime, you can share some you find useful, and you think not so many people regularly use it.

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