Facebook Partners with AfriLabs for Annual Gathering 2017

AfriLabs; The pan-African network of 60 technology and innovation hubs across 27 African countries is proud to announce that Facebook is a partner-sponsor of its 2017 Annual Gathering that will be taking place from the 18th to 20th of October in Cairo, Egypt in partnership with Hivos themed ‘Future of Cities: Innovation, Spaces, and Collaboration’ .

Facebook will be holding 3 sessions during the Gathering which will focus on Facebook Developer Circles, Facebook for Developer Platform and FbStart. These sessions will be free for all participants of the gathering to attend.

“We look forward to connecting with the AfriLabs community on a number of Facebook Africa focused initiatives including our Developer Circles, the FbStart program designed to help early stage mobile start-ups build and grow their apps, as well as Facebook’s Developer Products,” said Emeka Afigbo, Head of Middle East and Africa Platform Partnerships.

We are thrilled to support the AfriLabs Annual Gathering in Egypt this year. With its success in building a community around the rapid expansion of tech hubs across Africa, AfriLabs is strongly poised to accelerate innovation by opening the dialogue to diverse ideas and experiences.’’

AfriLabs is thrilled to be partnering with Facebook again and this time under the umbrella of the Annual Gathering. We are convinced that the sessions will be beneficial to the network and developer community that will be present at the event. This is the first time the Facebook team will be running sessions at the AfriLabs Annual Gathering and we look forward to hosting them.” – Anna Ekeledo, Executive Director, AfriLabs
