Fix Google Search Bar, Widget not Working in Galaxy S7, S3 and other Android Phones

Samsung Galaxy phone users, especially those of Samsung Galaxy S3 and S7 have complained multiple times that their Google search bar or Google widget isn’t working. They either cannot open the Google search bar in their Galaxy phones, or they search bar just doesn’t work. In this article, we will try to fix Google search bar or widget not working problem in Galaxy S7, S3 and other Android phones.

Fix Google Search Bar, Widget not Working in Galaxy S7, S3

1- Launch settings and go to Application Manager. Now set the apps tab to “All” and scroll down and find the Google app. You will see ‘Disabled’ written in front of the Google Search app. If disabled is written, know that the Google widget or Google search bar was disabled. Just enable this app from here by tapping on it and selecting the necessary option. This will fix Google search bar not working problem in Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S3.

2- You can also activate Google search or Google Widget by long pressing the menu button (center big button) on your Galaxy Android phone. This initiates Ok, Google assistant and you can also write terms to search the web using Google search engine.

3- Go to Settings, open Application Manager and then open Google Search app. Now tap on “Clear data” or Clear Cache. Once you clear cache of data of the app, problems related to it will be solved. You can also try tapping the “Uninstall updates” option here. Sometimes the faulty updates result in Google search widget not working problem in Android phones.

4- Many users were able to fix Google search widget not working by simply doing a reboot. Sometimes data packets get stuck and cache throttle don’t let the apps to work. You can close all apps, restart your phone and then try running the Google search bar or Google search widget.

5- If nothing works, you can always use the Google search from your browser. You can open Google search engine from Chrome browser or Safari web browser or other web browsers in your phone. You can download different search browsers from Google Play store.
