Fix No Internet Wifi Issues, No Connection in Windows 10 after Upgrade from Windows 7,8

More and more users are upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and Windows 8. Perhaps the biggest problem faced after Windows 10 upgrade is no Wifi available. Wifi seems to be out of range or broken and there are connectivity issues after upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and Windows 8. But there are solutions and ways to fix Windows 10 Wifi not working after upgrading. In this article we will take a look at some best of these solutions.

Disable VPNs

First things first. If you really want to test Wifi in Windows 10, you should uninstall all the VPNs in your computer, or temporarily disable them. Microsoft has put a strong check on VPNs in its new system. VPNs tend to intervene in the smooth internet connections.

Command Prompt Solution 1 

Launch Command Prompt in your Windows 10. You can do this from the Start menu or just by writing ‘cmd’ in Run box and hitting enter. A black screen will appear in front of you with a cursor blinking. You can write commands here.

Just write the following command and hit enter.

reg delete HKCR\CLSID\{988248f3-a1ad-49bf-9170-676cbbc36ba3} /va /f

Now type this command and enter

netcfg -v -u dni_dne

After execution of these commands, restart your computer. You will notice that Wifi issues will be fixed. You will see all the networks that are available in your vicinity.

Command Prompt Solution 2

You can also try executing the following command in the command prompt:


Restart your system after running the above command.

Command Prompt Solution 3

Here is another command that is reported to have fixed the Wifi issues in Windows 10.

netsh int ip reset

After executing the above command, restart your system.

Command Prompt Solution 4

If the above methods don’t work, type and run the following commands in your command prompt.

Now type this command to check if the above commands worked.

netsh int tcp show global

You will see a list. Make sure that there should be “disabled” in front of all those objects for which we ran the commands in the earlier step.

Fixing the Drivers

There is another way to fix no internet connection in search networks in Windows 10 issue. Just go to drivers and uninstall the Wifi driver. Now right click on “Network Adapters” and  select scan for hardware changes, this will get your job done.

InternetwifiWindows 10