Focus Lock Locks Annoying and Addictive Apps to Increase Your Productivity

Focus Lock Locks Annoying and Addictive Apps to Increase Your Productivity

How many times have you longed to work and immediately every other nonsense app becomes a gazillion times more interesting than it really is. With the Focus Lock you can lock away these apps for a desired period of time. You can also take a short break when the time expires. Additionally you can set the time for the break as well. There is another option to use the locked apps during that interval.

You can customize the lock period for as long as you want to lock the apps but by default these apps are locked for 25 minutes and the break period is set to 5 minutes. It is up to the user to increase or decrease it. At the time of first launch, the app asks the user for a password. The default password is 0000. You can further change it by your own. On the interface, there are three tabs. The tabs are Locked, Installed and favorite.

At first, The Locked tab will be empty but when you select an app to lock, it will save the name of locked app. The Favorite tab will include the apps you access the most. It is helpful in determining where you might be wasting more time. The Installed tab comprises of all apps installed on your phone. From the installed tab you will head to select apps to lock. To blacklist an app Just tap the little lock button next to the installed tab. All the apps will be back listed.

The procedure of using the app is very simple. When you select the apps, they will start showing up in the Locked tab. Now change the password and set the time for which the apps should be locked. After this, select the time for how long your break should last. You can also change your password by tapping ‘Change Password’ option. When you try and access a locked app, Focus Lock will open instead and ask you to wait for the break. The app will send you a notification for each app when the lock down period is over.

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