General Electric Opens Its First Innovation Center Across Africa in Johannesburg, S.A.

General Electric has 10 innovation centers across the world. The newest of them was just set up in Africa at a cost $32.7 million. This center was set up in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The GE Innovation Center wants to incubate the next revolutionary idea or solution to spring up from Africa. The Innovation Center is looking for ideas and solutions geared towards addressing socio-economic challenges bedeviling the continent. The center will also act as a ‘university’ where GE curriculums on energy, transport, and healthcare are offered. Thus, the incubation center will double up as a learning and development institution to teach the youths technical skills.

We are looking to impact and enhance the career aspiration of over 100 engineers from previously disadvantaged backgrounds,” said Jay Ireland, the GE Africa President, and CEO.

These are young people who will come through the center and share their innovative solutions, whilst learning from some of the best GE minds in their respective fields.”

GE Innovation Center’s other offerings

Part of the space at center has been designated for collaborative projects and prototyping. It will also serve as the headquarters of GE’s Healthcare services and a center to showcase other GE offerings.

The GE Healthcare Experience Center will not be just a typical healthcare unit. GE wants to go all out to showcase its cutting edge technology development within the healthcare industry. It will be equipped with the state of the art healthcare facilities in emergency rooms, theatre, infant care, oncology, and cardiology among others.

The GE Incubation Center will also support local small businesses that demonstrate the capacity to supply commodities to the domestic market and even possibly join GE’s international supply chains.

GE Innovation Center location

The center is alongside the Kilarney Country Club golf course next to the Rosebank in northern Johannesburg. Despite the fact that the center is set up in South Africa, it will serve the rest of the continent as well. Currently, GE has over 2,600 employees from Africa under its payroll.

General ElectricJohannesburgSouth Africa