Genius Ways to Increase Brand Visibility and Awareness Right Now

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One of the best things you can do, if you want your business to be a roaring success, is to ensure that you build a strong, positive reputation for your company. Of course, before you can do that, you need to ensure that people actually know what your brand is, which is why increasing brand visibility should be high on your list of priorities when launching a new company.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most genius ways to increase brand visibility and awareness right now:

Write a story

If you want to increase visibility and awareness for your brand, one of the best things you can do right now is to craft a compelling story that teaches customers about the origins of your company, your main aims as a business, why you do what you do, what you believe in – the ethos of the company – and so on, in as much detail and in as compelling a ways as you possibly can. Post this on your website and socials and it will give your target audience something to refer to when they first come across your company and are wondering whether to make a purchase. It is also something you can use in press releases and other media to ensure that your brand is correctly represented right from the off.

Attend trade shows and events

Attending trade shows and events is really important if you want to get the “face” of your brand out there. It will give you the opportunity to meet more people in your niche and show off your products to a receptive audience. If you use businesses like to create promotional flash drives and the like, then it will also be a good way of increasing goodwill, and if they use said promotional products, increasing visibility even more as their friends and family get familiar with your logo.

Promotional products

As alluded to above, if you want to increase visibility fast, then handing out promotional products that have been printed with your logo and business details, is a good way to do so because, every time they use that promotional pen or that promotional bag, they will be taking your logo out and about with them and doing your advertising for you. People are also more likely to take recommendations from those around them, so having people using your promotional goods could be seen as a sign of approval by many.

Doing Good

If you are a new business and you want to increase visibility and awareness quickly, while also cementing yourself as a business that is caring and ethical, then doing good works is about as good as it gets in promotional terms.

Whether you choose to donate a percentage of the profits to a local animal shelter or you personally roll your sleeves up and go help build a house for someone in need, it is all good publicity and it will give you an opportunity to talk to the press and plug your business, while also helping those in need and increasing visibility for your company. When you do good works as a business, everyone wins, and it makes your company feel even more meaningful, which can be a good motivator when you are finding the entrepreneurial life hard.

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Take good care of your employees

You might know that taking good care of your employees and keeping them happy is a good way to boost productivity, but did you know it is also a good way to increase brand awareness too?

You see, when you treat your employees right, they will love working for you, and when they love working for you, they will naturally gush about their job on social media, or to their friends and family in person, and more people will get to know about your brand and how great it is, which means more new customers coming your way. Your employees are one of your best assets, so be sure to always treat them right.

Take good care of your customers

In a similar vein, taking good care of any customers you already have is a good strategy too. If they are really impressed with the way you of above and beyond to endure they have a pleasant experience of using your company, they are more likely to leave reviews and testimonials., which can be used as social proof that your brand is a good one, and this will bring more customers flocking to you. Tarin your employees in good customer service, treat your customers with respect, and the rest will happen naturally.


Podcasts have never been more popular than they are right now, so whether you start your own business podcast or you simply pay for ads or do guest spots in an existing one getting your brand name out there in the medium of podcasting is a good idea, not least because it is far less expensive than appearing on TV, and because podcast listeners tend to be loyal, so they will most likely check you out if their favourite pod hosts recommends they do so.

Offer help

These days, if your business can offer help to the consumer, it will raise awareness of your brand pretty effectively to do so. How do you offer help? By creating written guides or video content explaining how they do X, Y and Z which is related to your niche. That way, when they google how to do this and that, they will find your brand and hopefully like what they see.

Increasing the visibility of your brand is likely to take no small amount of time and effort, but if you put as many of the above ideas into action as you possibly can, you stay positive, and you work on building a brand that you can be proud of, it will happen sooner, rather than later, and you can start cementing your company’s positive reputation with your customer base. Good luck.