Get The Most Out Of Google Drive With These 6 Google Extensions

Get The Most Out Of Google Drive With These 6 Google Extensions

Google Drive is becoming popular day by day. We don’t like carrying our documents within our devices so that they can be accessed outside home or office. Google Drive gave its users storage space so that they can have access to their documents on the go. Now we can go anywhere and we can have complete access to our documents. Even if our hard drive is full and you can’t find anywhere to put your documents, you can upload them to your Google Drive.

Here are some of the Google Extensions that will help you improve the Google Drive’s capabilities.


A lot of people are worried with the new technology that their documents aren’t going to be safe once they are uploaded. They think this because they know Google will have access to those documents. But if you need to keep those documents as private as possible then Fogpad is the way to go. Your documents will be encrypted so that they can’t be accessed other than you. Download Fogpad from this link.

Save To Google Drive:

By the help of this extension, users will be able to save their screenshots, web content and many other documents directly to their Google Drive. You can right click on anything and you will get the option to save the content on the Google Drive. You can download Save To Google Drive from this link.

Save Text To Google Drive:

With the help of this extension you will be able to save text directly to your Google Drive. You don’t need to worry about anything because the text would be already saved on the Google Drive. Here is the link to download Save Text To Google Drive.



Shortcuts For Google:

If you are really lazy then this extension is for you. This extension will give you a pop up bar which will have all of Google’s services. You will be able to access all of them with this pop up bar that the extension is providing. Download Shortcuts For Google today.

Pixlr Editor:

This is a photo editing extension where the users will be able to crop sharpen, add filters, blur and add effects to their photos. Download the extension from this link.

Black Menu:

This is a very useful extension and it will also have a pop up like Shortcuts For Google. Once you click the pop up, you will be able to surf the whole Google world by not leaving the original browser. Download Black Menu for Chrome from this link.


These 6 Google Extensions will prove to be very helpful and they will help you maximize your Google Drive experience.

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