Goodbye Rental Application Fees, Hello

Goodbye Rental Application Fees, Hello
You finally saved up enough money to get your own apartment. After weeks of searching you find the perfect apartment. Excitement starts to kick in, you pull out your check book and discover the application fee is more than the apartment.

If you haven’t looked for an apartment recently, let us enlighten you on some of the fees you could incur. For starters theirs the application fee per adult, followed by credit report fee, holding the apartment fee and if you have a pet, yes rusty will be charged a fee as well. These fees can add up to hundreds of dollars before you ever move into your new home.

Ladies and gentlemen meet Tyrone Poole, founder of, an online rental platform approach to housing homeless families. is a market-driven solution for the real estate market designed to meet the needs of America’s most challenging property renters: Homeless families. It also meets the needs of millions of 21st century renters in recovery from the Great Recession. was created when Poole suffered a debilitating injury that impacted his dream, health and nearly his life. Poole ended up being homeless, living in a shelter and volunteering as staff to help find housing for homeless families. According to Poole, “homeless families make up 1/3 of the homeless population, with more than 200,000 children in shelters across America on any given day”. is great for all renters, including those who may be between jobs, under-employed, working multiple jobs, freelancers and entrepreneurs whose applications do not conform to conventional standards.

Currently is under development. See the video to learn more about NoAppFee and click Here to contribute towards this innovative platform.

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