Google Chrome could soon have a native Ad-Blocker

The world’s biggest advertising platform, Google is considering pulling a move many thought they will never do. Google is thinking of integrating an ad-blocker natively its most popular browser, Chrome.

What drove Google to this move, you wonder? Well, it would appear Google is just as annoyed with some of the ads as you are, and it bets if they can stop those offensive ads, then you might not want to block all the ads.

Most people with ad-blocker installed once came across a few offending ads, and decided to block all ads indiscriminately. Such a move is bad business for the world’s biggest search engine as the bulk of its revenue comes from advertisement across different platforms on the internet.

Google does not want you to block all the ads; just the ones everyone finds offensive. By the definition of the Coalition for Better Ads, an industry group mandated to regulate advertising standards. What makes an offensive ad are those unacceptable types of ads with pop-ups, auto play videos with sound, and the ‘prestitial’ ads that have countdown timers. These types of ads are considered to be “beneath a threshold of consumer acceptability.”

Google is said to be considering coming up with an ad-blocker that block all ads that appear on sites that has offending ads. That is to say, the search engine is not going after the individual ads themselves, but the site owners. The site owners could be required to check if the ads are running on their site meet the set standards, otherwise risk not having any ads running on their site, as they will be blocked on Chrome.

Ad BlockersGoogle ChromePhishing