Google quietly boosted Chrome’s 3D Graphics

If you are using Chrome 56 and above, you might have noticed a sudden improvement in 3D web graphics. Google says they have added support for the WebGL 2.0 standard to Chrome 56 and above.

This feature gives the browser a faster performance, new texture types, and some visual effects. Like tone mapping and volume-based effects. It is also important to point out that Chrome has now reached the same league as the same OpenGL ES 3 spec seen in newer mobile games. That means you can port phone titles to Chrome and not lose any graphical details.

This improvement is available in Chrome 56 and later version of the browser on all desktop computers. As for Android devices, the feature is ‘coming soon.’ However, this development should not elicit too much excitement since it is not a pioneer in any way.

As a matter of fact, Firefox and Opera browser have had the WebGL 2.0 support for a while now; Chrome is catching up just recently. Then again, Chrome does have a bigger market share (58.5% to be precise as per the NetMarketShare report as of February this year), means a lot more people will enjoy this feature while browsing on their favorite browser. For that reason alone, this new development might seem like a big deal.

It also increases the likelihood of you coming across more site build with the next-level 3D on the web technology. As it gives the creators more incentives to showcase their creativity using the technology as now, more people can appreciate it.

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