Google secretly launched a new redesigned Chrome, Here’s how to activate it

The latest version of the Chrome browser comes with a number of design changes aimed at improving your browsing experience, particularly on mobile devices. However, this new redesign is only available to users who have the tendency of digging deep into the Settings. As that is the only way they could have noticed they can enable the new redesign.

Google has always strived to make your browsing experience richer and convenient, and in the latest Chrome update for iOS devices. The company has a secret feature, which if enabled will make for an even better and convenient browsing experience for iPhone users.

For one, Google has moved the tab button from the top and moved it to the very bottom of the Chrome mobile browser on iOS. The same thing applies for the forward and back buttons. In between the forward and back button, sits the search icon, to enable you to quickly run a search on a search engine; preferably Google.

While browsing, the top of the screen will remain mostly clear. That clarity will only be disrupted if you want to see the URL bar to know what site you are visiting. The tabs have also been given a dramatic overhaul as well. Now, web pages will be displayed in little squares, instead of being sorted in a row like a filing cabinet. The new tabs redesign is meant to enable you quickly view what sites you have been visiting as opposed to scrolling though the long list of opened tabs like has always been the case. Incognito mode has also been brought closer for faster access. It is now found at the top of the tab page.

The new redesigns were first rolled out on iOS, with Android set to follow soon. As previously stated, the only way to get the new Chrome redesign is by digging deep into the Settings.

How to enable the new Chrome redesign

Launch the Chrome browser on your iOS device. In the search bar, type ‘chrome://flags/#top-chrome-md

You will then see a long list of settings. You will have to scroll down to the option ‘UI Refresh Phase 1’ and in the drop-down menu select Enabled. Then close and re-open the Chrome mobile browser once again on your iOS device. You will be met by the new redesigned Chrome mobile browser.

Chrome Desktop users

Google also brought some redesign on desktop version of Chrome, though it is not as drastic as what we see on mobile. The desktop version comes with more circular and white spaces than the previous design. The rounded tabs are still not present on Chrome for desktop, but word is, they are on their way.

To activate the new design on desktop, users need to type ‘chrome://flags/#top-chrome-md’ and change the default settings to ‘UI Layout for the browser’s top chrome.’ Now restart the browser to make the new redesign take effect.
