Google’s Gmail Android App Now Shows All Email Accounts’ Emails In One Place

Google’s Gmail Android App Now Shows All Email Accounts’ Emails In One Place

The latest update on Google’s Gmail app includes a new feature that is going to be especially helpful to those of us actively using multiple email accounts. The new feature, ‘All Inboxes’ will show all of your emails from all the different email accounts in one convenient place. Previously, users had to ‘switch accounts’ in order to view emails received on their various email accounts.

Now you will not have to tap the screen and switch accounts when say; you want to move from your one Gmail account inbox to another Gmail account inbox. Google has made it even easier when say; you are moving from a Gmail account inbox to a Yahoo, or any other IMAP/POP account inbox. With the new ‘All Inboxes’ feature, you can read and reply to messages received from all your multiple accounts from one place.

Starting today, you’ll be able to view all your mail at once, regardless of which account it’s from, using the new ‘All Inboxes’ option. This way, you can read and respond to all your messages without having to hop between accounts,” reads a statement from Gmail’s official blog.

Android users will now have on their Gmail app a Gmail conversation view showing emails from all Gmail, Yahoo, and other IMAP/POP accounts. The messages will be neatly stacked in conversation view, helping you stay organized and quickly informed while on the move on your mobile device. However, there is still no communication as to when the Gmail app for iOS devices will have this upgrade.

Additionally, Google has improved its Google+ services by now enabling Google+ Photos to be automatically integrated with Google Drive. Meaning all the videos and pictures you upload on Google+, will be automatically synced with your Google Drive account; this update has been effected for Web, Android, and iOS platform. The Google+ photos and videos will now be available to you whenever you want them; given Google Drive is a cloud storage platform

A statement on Google Drive BlogSpot read: “If you want to organize all your files, all in one place, Drive is here to help. You’ll start seeing your photos in Drive today- immediately if they’re new, and a few weeks for your entire library.”

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