Growing Fitness Lifestyle Trainer, Fitnotix Uses Indiegogo for Support

Growing Fitness Lifestyle Trainer, Fitnotix Uses Indiegogo for Support

Fitnotix is making progress by leaps and bounds with the aid of its recently launched running app. Fitnotix is now planning to utilize the crowd funding platform Indiegogo to raise money. The financial aid will be utilized for development of its upcoming Fitness Lifestyle Trainer. They also intend to include member feedback while completing the development.

The basic aim behind the developments of Fitnotix is to help the general public in staying fit and healthy. Their flagship product, Fitness Lifestyle Trainer will teach users how to adjust their eating habits, and train them on exercise routines leading to a healthier lifestyle. Fitnotix makes this possible by using web based software as well as mobile application that provide guided workouts, meal and meal plans, adjusted with each other. Fitnotix gives you instructions based on your feedback from its instructions and guidance. It will adjust the plans for you based on your performance and increase your chances of meeting your health and fitness goals.

The records of Fitnotix tells us clearly that they have aided many people in getting smarter and fitter than ever before. They help people who want to change their lifestyle. Fitnotix assists those who have tried very hard, but their efforts didn’t bear any kind of fruit. The aim of Fitnotix is to train people about the right kind of strategy to adopt in their objective of getting slim and smart. They learn the proper methods of adopting to better eating and exercising habits.

The company is looking forward to including members in Alpha and Beta testing containing the respective levels of contribution. The company is also providing lifetime memberships, opportunities to be in the Fitnotix Commercials, and launch party invites.

Fitnotix released its very first app on the App store of Apple. Presently, the running app of Fitnotix allows the users to plan a strategy within their mobile device, get GPS turn-by-turn updates, and be aware of the speed by providing audio updates. Ever since it was launched last year in July, it has now been downloaded in over 50 countries worldwide. Fitnotix app will now be upgraded to the Fitness Lifestyle Trainer. The running feature remains as one of the many key ingredients within the upcoming Fitness Lifestyle Platform. The users will see the results of this wonderful trainer if they adapt themselves according to its strategies.

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