HereO: Best GPS Watch For Kids

HereO: Best GPS Watch For Kids

Kids are a lot more active in today’s world compared to the old days: they’re going out a lot, playing in schools and going for play dates. All in all, the current generation kids wander a lot, and sometimes this can makes it hard for parents to keep an eye on them especially when they’re at school or at the day care center. Although having a cell phone would be an obvious solution in terms of keeping tabs on them,  it still doesn’t solve the problem especially kids between the ages of 3 to 10 years. Now thanks to technology, there is a leeway parents can use to keep track of their kids.

HereO is a startup that has created a gadget that will enable parents to keep track of their children. It boasts of being the world’s coolest and smartest GPS watch. It connects with a web app and mobile so parents can know where their children are throughout the day. There will be no more cause for parents constantly worrying whether their kids have left school or are up to mischief and visiting dangerous places. This GPS device will enable parents to keep track of their children in real time and at all times.

The GPS watch will go for $129 US dollars and the GPS system used by the app is payable on a subscription basis at a cost of $5 US dollars monthly. One may wonder, why they should use this new GPS product while yet there are others already available in the market. Well, this GPS watch is more attractive, quite eye-catching and is deemed cool by the kids themselves. Simply put, kids fall in love with this watch and it’s something every kid would like to be seen with and not part with easily. The watch itself is small, and not too technical to operate, but its definitely not a leash like some other GPS tracking devices are. It’s a necessary accessory, and it’s also not expensive to acquire neither are the monthly payment, but you can never put a price tag on your kid’s safety or your own peace of mind.

So spending a small amount of money will give you peace of mind and your child’s security is definitely worth the cost. While you are at it, your kid will enjoy being seen in a stylish gizmo watch. Click on HerO for more information.

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