Hide Online Active Minutes Ago Status Facebook Messenger to Avoid Annoying People

You are chatting with your friend on Facebook Messenger, completely ignoring the annoying acquaintance who’s sent you a message on the same messenger. Guess what, that twat knows that you are online because Facebook shows your online active status. I just hate the fact that you can’t choose to ignore a person or delay your responses on Facebook Messenger. And when you are “active” on messenger and don’t reply people promptly, they complain, which annoys me even more. However, luckily, you can hide active online status on Facebook messenger. In this article I will tell you different ways to do so.

Open Facebook Messenger app and you will find a “People” tab. Just tap the options menu tab (on the left of the gaming remote tab as shown in the photo below). This is the place from where you can hide and turn off your active online status on Facebook. Just toggle the green button to OFF. This will hide your active online status on Facebook Messenger, but you won’t be able to see active people on messenger as well.

Once you turn off the toggle button from the people tab, your active status on Facebook messenger will be hidden. But you won’t be able to see your online friends.

But wait, don’t think that turning off the active button on your mobile will hide your online status on web as well. When you open Facebook messenger in your browser, you will be shown online to your friends and vice versa.

In order to turn off online status and hide active status on Facebook for web, just open the Facebook messenger (full messages in messenger mode) and click on the settings (cogwheel) icon. You will find an option to turn off the active button in the active tab.

This is how to hide your online status on Facebook Messenger on Android, iPhone and web.

